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8 Benefits Of A Wellness Retreat: Could You Benefit From One?

Contemplative practices such as yoga and sitting meditation help settle the body, steady the breath and calm the mind to establish harmony and a ground of sanity. When you attend a yoga or meditation retreat, you sign up to learn specific practices or techniques, but you may not get a context for how to apply these practices to your daily life. A good wellness retreat will address not only practices, but also a vision for how to make life changes for better overall health and wellbeing. Here are 8 benefits of a wellness retreat. Could you benefit from one?

Wellness is a state of good health, on many levels, starting with physically, spiritually and mentally.

When life gets hectic, it’s easy to fall into bad habits as we try to maintain a sense of grounded-ness. But often this has the opposite effect: we get stressed so may drink too much coffee, or binge on sugar in an attempt to self-medicate, which makes our mind more agitated. The universe responds to a calm state of mind more readily that it does to an eager, frantic one. So sometimes in order to step out of a negative cycle, we need to retreat and get back on track with what we know is good for us.

Relaxing is the key to doing anything well. The reason? When you are relaxed, you become fully present. Being fully present is the key to manifesting whatever you choose. When you take time out for a wellness retreat, you learn practices that train you to relax deeply.

A wellness retreat aims to engender a state of good health: physically, spiritually and mentally.

One very effective way to keep your wellness in check, is by scheduling a wellness retreat that works for you on all levels.

A robust wellness retreat addresses the whole human package. Emphasis is on going deeper into the whole being–including the psychological process–which gives clarity when making life choices. You will learn to access inner wisdom through mindfulness and awareness. A quality wellness program will give you tools and daily practices to facilitate dialogue with this deeper wisdom current so that it becomes part of your daily life.

8 Benefits of a wellness retreat:

  1. Taking time to listen to your body and hear its messages

  2. Learn mindfulness practices to settle the mind into a state of peace

  3. Process emotional or psychological issues that feel unfinished or that need a decision

  4. Talk through what’s bothering you and work through a dilemma through using creative process or dialogue

  5. Be a part of a supportive community and forge new friendships

  6. Take time away from daily life to view things from a new perspective

  7. Spend time in nature

  8. Healing, rest and relaxation

Who could benefit from a wellness program?

  • Seasoned meditators who want a more embodied practice and daily yoga routine to support meditation

  • Yoga teachers and practitioners who want tools for their classes, inspiration for their students and refinement for their own practice

  • Creatives who feed off of community and inspiration, who want to incorporate a meditation practice into their creative process

  • Anyone who needs support going through life transition or help making a major decision or wants help creating a new life path

Ready to schedule a wellness retreat?

Start here with your own at-home journaling retreat.